Tourism Courses

Certificate in Travel and Tourism
  1. Characteristics of World Destinations
  2. Fundamentals of the Hotel & Catering Industry
  3. Numeracy & Statistics
  4. Retail Travel Operations
  5. Structure of Travel & Tourism


Diploma in Travel and Tourism
  1. Accounting
  2. Business Management & Administration
  3. Management of Travel & Tourism Operations
  4. Tour Operations
  5. Tourism Marketing & Promotion


Higher Diploma in Travel Tourism
  1. Economics for Business
  2. Hospitality Management
  3. Management Theory & Practice
  4. Tourism & the Environment
  5. Travel & Tourism Development


Recommended Course Duration

A minimum of six months of full time study for each level at an Approved ITHP Centre.

Examination Grades
Grade A - Distinction 70% and above
Grade B - Credit 60% to 69%
Grade C - Pass 50% to 59%
Grade D - Marginal Pass 40% to 49%
Grade F - Fail 39% and under